Balfolk with Parapente700
For the next bal of Balhalla we welcome Parapente700, who will without a doubt amaze us with a fantastic dance evening.
On Thursday the 25th of January you are welcome at the 'Paulus huis' in Gent (address: Patijntjestraat 27). This location is a 5 minute walk away from the Gent-Sint-Pieters station.
We start early at 19:00 with a dance initiation followed by the bal with Parapente700 from 20:00 until 22:00 and finish with a danceable jam. The evening will end at 23:00, which is a decent hour to still take a train home and ideal for those of us who have to get up early the next morning.
Balhalla is a group of friends that love balfolk dancing and who wants to create more opportunities to do so in Ghent. With your presence, we hope to organize many more bals!
Practical information
- – Doors open
- – Initiation
- – Bal
- – Jam
- – End

Existence, the physical universe, is basically playful, so we believe.
So is traveling with Parapente700, an intimate musical journey where you get the feeling of being within the lungs that make Eva Parmenters melodeon breathe or of being embraced by the dancing bow of Deny Stetsenko's violin.
The musical universe of these two musical souls intersects time and space where their own compositions and traditional melodies from around Europe get to be reinvented and adapted to nowadays. The dancing environment that takes part in their magical melodies is intended to take place in the imagery of the performance.
(There are no boundaries nor a final destination, each observer takes an active role in this imaginary ball.)