Balfolk with duo Decombel - Van Mierlo
On Friday the 26th of April you are welcome at the 'Paulus huis' in Gent (address: Patijntjestraat 27). This location is a 5 minute walk away from the Gent-Sint-Pieters station.
Practical information
- – Doors open
- – Initiation
- – Bal
- – Jam
- – End
Duo Decombel - Van Mierlo

Maarten Decombel and Toon Van Mierlo are respected folk musicians with a long-standing passion for newly composed music.
In addition to a twenty-year partnership in the internationally renowned Naragonia Quartet, they are active in a number of other bands such as MANdolinMAN, Novar, Snaarmaarwaar and Hot Griselda. With these bands they play throughout Europe, Brazil, China, Canada...
When the world had to shut down in 2020 due to an errant virus, they finally had the time to work on an album together and start their new duo. These two virtuoso musicians enter into dialogue in search of beauty and the sparkling connection of playing together.